wait/weight (dear you, pt. 18)

there’s wisdom in waiting -

that’s what i’ve been told my whole life.

and i never entirely understood it,

because i’ve always looked to now;

to instant;

to the things that i wanted, whenever.

there’s wisdom in waiting -

and so i waited.

through calm and through hurricanes;

through peace and war;

through hell and back -

waited for provision,





i waited for a restored life,

against my own will at times,

hoping without trusting.

there’s wisdom in waiting -

and so i surrendered.

i surrendered to the waiting;

to the Plan-Maker;

to the Promise Keeper;

to the hope that God works all things together.

and oh, how sweet it was -

to receive rest,




and -

my greatest gift -


there’s wisdom in waiting -

and that waiting brought me to love;

to a love that embodies everything about the Maker of love;

to a love that radiates the warmth of Light;

to a love that emanates the joy of the Father;

to a love that reflects the beauty of the Author.

to you -

my love,

my greatest gift.

there’s wisdom in waiting -

and right now,

i’m waiting again,

for what feels like an eternity,

to embrace you again.

it’s a waiting that i never knew the weight of -

because we don’t think about the weight of the wait -

but it’s a wait with a promise.

a promise,

that the waiting is worth both the weight and the wait.

a promise to reunite,

and that the hole left here in my heart that longs for your embrace will be filled -

because the one who formed my heart in the first place is faithful enough to hold it together for me and with me.

dear you,

there’s wisdom in waiting,

and you’ve been more than worth the weight.